Yearly Archives: 2024

Russia is delaying the exchange of prisoners of war and using it as a tool for internal destabilization and pressure on Ukraine

On July 17, Russia released 95 Ukrainian prisoners of war in exchange for 95 Russian soldiers. Since the beginning of the full-scale war in 2022, Ukraine has managed to conduct 54 prisoner exchanges, freeing 3,405 Ukrainians held captive. Unsurprisingly, the prisoner exchanges are of particularly high salience for Ukrainians because the lives and safety of…

In Europe, Russian aluminum earns the Kremlin money for the war in Ukraine

Full version of the article is published on Dagens Nyheter Despite the introduction of 14 packages of sanctions against Russia, the restrictions have not yet affected its aluminum production. As a result, the Russian aluminum giant Rusal not only has not been subject to any sanctions, but also continues to have subsidiaries in the EU….

Deep strikes into Russia: a partner’s decision for Ukraine’s strategic success

Two years ago, on May 31, 2022, President Joe Biden announced in his New York Times op-ed that the United States would provide Ukraine with high-mobility artillery rocket systems. The op-ed noted that the White House neither encourages nor allows Ukraine to launch strikes outside its borders. “We don’t want to prolong the war just to hurt Russia,”…

Ukraine was advocated for in Finland

The Finnish capital Helsinki hosted the Nordic Ukraine Advocacy Summit, which was attended by Olesia Horiainova, co-founder and deputy head of the Ukrainian Security and Cooperation, and Solomiya Khoma, an expert on hybrid warfare and head of the USCC’s International Cooperation. The summit participants, representing civil society organizations from Ukraine, the Nordic countries and the…

How Russia’s economic lobby in the European Union works

Cанкції для російської сталі_USCC

Since Russia’s full-scale invasion of Ukraine, 27 EU states have imposed 13 rounds of sanctions on Russia. Since then, restrictions have been imposed on trade in oil, coal, timber, and many other resources. However, a serious loophole in the sanctions regime remains: European industry continues to buy raw materials classified as “critical” or “strategic”, such…

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